Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

What Motivates Trade Show B2B Buyers to Buy

Jane Thompson at ThompsonKerr Displays sent an email broadcast with the subject line Know Your Buyers’ Traits. That title intrigued me. Let’s face it, we all want a picture window into how exhibit buyers research, plan, and decide on their trade show purchases.

She referred to the article How to Align Your Trade Show Marketing Strategy with Today’s B2B Buyer Traits at It’s a short article that focuses on four buyer traits and how to align your strategy with those traits:

  1. They Research Online
  2. They Crave Personalization
  3. They’re Social
  4. They Don’t Make the Buying Decision Alone

I encourage you to take five minutes and read it. And then share. This paragraph in particular is worth sharing to every potential exhibit buyer and their staff.

Those exhibiting at trade shows need to understand the prospects are most likely informed about the basic functions and qualities of your products or services before they approach your booth. They no longer need to interact with a salesperson to learn about the high-level information. Use your time at the trade show booth as a chance to build a relationship with the prospect and offer value-add insights that may be more difficult to exhibit online.

–Mel White


Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or
