Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

We Need Your Help with a Testimonial

We need your help. And it will only take a few minutes.

Every year at EDPA ACCESS, the annual conference and showcase, there’s an award program. One of those awards is the EDDIE Award, the only one open to submissions from both EDPA members and non-members.


“The EDDIE Award is an award judged solely on the self-promotion of your company not on the promotion of a client.”

Here’s where you can help. We plan to submit Exhibit Design Search (EDS) for the award. We’ve written the submission but would like to enhance it with your testimonials. If you believe, as we do, that Exhibit Design Search has benefited your company and benefited Classic Exhibits, we would love to include your heartfelt testimonial. Nothing long . . . 3-4 sentences would be terrific.

Now, if you read the guidelines above, EDS may not at first glance seem to fit. After all, Classic Exhibits brands EDS for each distributor. You’re our client and it’s for your benefit. But let’s not kid ourselves. We brand it for our benefit as well, since we want your business to flow our direction. So, while it may not be “self-promotion” in the “See Me, See Me” sense, it’s still self-promotion.

If you are not shy, use the Comments section of the blog. If you are shy, send your testimonial to Mel White ( — October 31 deadline. We have to submit it by Nov. 4.

Thank you very much! We sincerely appreciate it.

–Mel White
