Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

Happy Easter: Word on the Street — March 25th thru March 29th

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

This past week has been nothing short of chaotic! Good chaotic mind you.

The week following EXHIBITOR Show is always nuts, unless you did something really wrong. 🙂 Seriously, we have been amazed by the feedback coming off the show. And trust me, we have been working very hard on the follow-up. We came home from Vegas with nearly double the leads from any other prior show. It’s quite humbling to be honest.

What a pleasure to get to know some of the new folks and to re-engage with those distributors who we have not worked with for sometime. As one person from East Coast said to me,”We’re back baby! And by that, I mean the industry feels alive for the first time in a long time.”

I could not agree more. While we have been feeling positive for a while now, it is refreshing to hear it from you as well.

So all that busy talk to say, my blog is short and sweet this week. Because quite frankly, it’s Easter Weekend and I am (hopefully like you) spending all my time hanging with family, extended family, good friends and neighbors celebrating. Especially after the past week working very long hours.

Side note: I am 40 now so its been a while since I participated in an Easter Egg hunt, but I do have 6 year old twins, and my lord, they have four hunts this weekend. I swear I remember only having one! But it is fun.

I hope you all have/had a great Easter Holiday at home, with friends, at church, or wherever you spent your weekend.

And thanks again for ALL the great comments and feedback you shared with our team the past week.

Be well and Happy Easter.

Kevin Carty

