Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

“Classic” Chippendales Video Compliments of Larry Crumlish

You may want to step back from the table in case you are eating. In fact, we strongly recommend that you wait at least an hour after eating or drinking before viewing this video. The images are VERY VERY disturbing.

Our thanks to Larry Crumlish from InSource for sending us this Chippendales video and for his explanation:

“This year, I was a bit concerned about what happened after your EXHIBITOR hospitality suite. My understanding that ‘what happens in Vegas . . . Stays in Vegas!’ So I do not know how the film clip below got published.”

As always, it was a pleasure seeing you at EXHIBITOR. We’re sending an index finger in your direction my friend. For an explanation of the “index finger” remark or just to give Larry Crumlish a thumbs up for the video, you can contact him at

Click the Image to View the Video
