Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

Trade Show Games: The 5 Elements of Success

Samuel J. Smith, SocialPoint (Guest Post)

Trade show games are a fun way to get more traffic into your trade show booth. They add an element of play, competition, and excitement that wakes up attendees dulled by trudging down countless trade show aisles. To make your trade show games a success, be sure to follow these 5 Elements of Success:

#1. Trade Show Games That Fit and Promote Your Brand

One of the top three reasons exhibitors go to trade shows is to build their brand awareness. Every activity you do in your booth has an effect on how attendees perceive your company. So, when you choose a trade show game, it should mesh with your company personality. If the game features any visuals, then the colors, images, type font, and logos should match your brand identity. That will boost memorability and brand impact.

#2. Trade Show Games That Fit Your Audience

Our clients often tell us that the audience at one of their shows is a perfect match for a certain trade show game – but that same game would be a misfit at another show they exhibit at. That’s because the demographics, style, motivations, and personal drivers markedly change between their shows. Some show attendees tend to be fun-loving, gregarious, and profit-driven. Other shows feature quieter, knowledge-based attendees who compete for different reasons. Know your audiences and find the trade show games that appeal best to them.

#3. Trade Show Games That Are Easy (Enough) To Win

Trade show games work best when they take some skill to win – but little-to-no-time to learn how to play. Attendees should be able to walk up and jump in. Your goal with trade show games is to get more traffic and engagement, not to stump almost all your visitors so they go away disappointed. And ensure they go away happy with prizes that are worthy of their time. Attendees also like to earn recognition when they do very well, which works great at trade shows where gifts are limited or not allowed.

#4. Trade Show Games That Have Signage and Space

Your booth visitors can’t have a good time playing your trade show games if they are cramped or forced to play in an awkward stance. Set up the game so players are comfortable with the game at the right height and enough space for them to not feel trapped. Also, ensure attendees in the aisle know there’s a fun game in your booth with signage that says “Play To Win” or names the game. Don’t be shy about it!

#5. Trade Show Games With Lead Capture

Trade show games may be fun, but you won’t be enjoying yourself if you don’t come back from the show with leads. Choose games that visitors have to provide their contact info to play. Even better, capture a few key qualifying facts about them, to give your sales people a leg up on who to call first after the show, and help them make a better follow-up call, too.

I hope that if you decide to use trade show games, you’re now better prepared to get their full value. You’ll build your brand, attract more attendees, host a great experience, and collect more leads.

Samuel J. Smith is a thought leader, researcher, speaker and award-winning innovator on event technology. In 2011, BizBash Magazine added Sam to its annual innovators list. Since then, Sam has won awards from Exhibitor Magazine, IBTM World, RSVP MN, International Live Events Association and MPI for innovation in event technology.
