Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

Holiday Events 2014 Kickoff: Word on the Street — November 23rd thru November 27th

Kevin Carty, VP Classic Exhibits

A Belated Happy Thanksgiving!

Hopefully by now you are enjoying your 6th, 7th or maybe even 8th serving of turkey and ham with all the fixings! With lots of dessert.

Probably the best part of all is those leftovers. This morning I had pumpkin pie for breakfast! I love this time of year.

On Monday, we start the final month of 2014. December promises to be a strong finish to an already amazing year in our industry. And December also means the Annual EDPA ACCESS Meeting. Classic of course will be there.

The event will be held at the beautiful Innsbruck Golf Resort in Florida, starting on Wednesday, December 3. And as mentioned, Classic will be there. We have a stunning 10 x 20 inline. Just look for the “Invisible Inc.” graphic and the On the Move Furniture.

Jim Shelman, Jen LaBruzza, and Reid Sherwood will be there to represent the company proudly. Mel White and I are unable to attend this year due to a conflicting schedules.

ACCESS is foundational one this year — the 60th Anniversary for EDPA! So you can expect many great sessions and special events, as well as most of the past Presidents in attendance. It’s sure to be an excellent educational event as always. I hope you can attend and I look forward to hearing from you about ACCESS. As  proud member of the Board of Directors of EDPA, and longtime believer in all the good that EDPA has done for our great industry, I am certainly going to miss this anniversary year.

Back to talking turkey… I hope and trust you all had a safe and enjoyable holiday with your families. I know I did. Certainly a ton to be thankful for in life and in business.

Be well. Look for a comprehensive EDPA ACCESS followup blog next week after Jim, Jen, and Reid return.



