History Repeats
I hope you had a great week both professionally and personally.
Is it just me, or do you too find yourself feeling overwhelmed with business-related tasks right now? Whether it’s quotes, new orders, expansion, marketing, etc. Whatever it may be, you need an extra five hours every day to accomplish everything on your list.
This week alone, we were busy with new orders and new projects. And that doesn’t include what’s flowing through the Design Department. The shipping schedule is healthy. For me personally, as I write this on Saturday morning, I am whipped. This week included working on EXHIBITOR Show details, the new ClassicMODUL Southeast location launch, the revised pricing for Classic Exhibits, several Eco-systems projects, as well as some unusual quotes and orders.
It feels like it was an overwhelming week, but I know that’s not true. It’s more of getting back into the normal swing of things after the holidays. Even though we had a very strong finish to 2010, it’s always slower by comparison to January, February, and March.
I have to remind myself that this is how it is every year. Same thing happens after July rolling into August.
I spoke to a few of you this week, and one person in particular called me on Wednesday morning. As I picked up the phone and said “Hello”, what I heard was “Is it just me, or is this the busiest the industry has been in the last 10 years?” Of course that is not true, but I know what he meant.
Compliments to the Classic Exhibits Project Management staff. We had a meeting Friday morning, and they have done a great job handling the ramp up in business. Thanks!!
As we roll into February, please be on the look out for many exciting bits of information and news regarding the upcoming EXHIBITOR Show 2011, the opening of the ClassicMODUL Southeast Depot, and of course clever promotions from Mel White for the spring.
Hope you all have a great and restful weekend. Stay busy!
–Kevin Carty