Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

“Is Our Industry Model Obsolete?” by Dan Cantor, President, EDPA

"Is Our Industry Model Obsolete?" by Dan Cantor

Our compliments to Dan Cantor, President, EDPA, on his recent and insightful article in the Global Insights Newsletter (Q3.09):  Is Our Industry Model Obsolete?

We highly recommend reading this article, especially in light of the challenges facing the exhibit industry over the past year. Business is improving, but it won’t ever be healthy unless we fix the underlying problems.  

To quote Dan, “Our industry has a much bigger challenge: our business model is not globally competitive, and our industry will soon be in crisis as a result.”

There doesn’t appear to be a link on the EDPA website to the article, so we have included a link to a scanned PDF version: 

Is Our Industry Model Obsolete?
