Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

10 Things Classic Exhibits Probably Shouldn’t Tell You — #7


For the next two weeks, we’ll share 10 Things We Probably Shouldn’t — one each day. Actually one, plus another one.  Enjoy!

#7. You probably already know this but we’ll confirm it anyway. Not every exhibit design shown in Design Monday has been built (or in some cases even engineered). Heck, that’s why we called it “Design Monday,” not “Kits Monday.” Has it ever bit us in the tutu? Never, because we either design the exhibits to be built or we figure out how to build them. Sure we take risks . . . but we’re not stupid.

Plus 1. Classic Exhibits is located on International Way in Milwaukie, OR (a suburb of Portland). Now, we’re not sure our industrial park, which is a beautiful industrial park with trees, a stream, and a wetlands, qualifies as international, but our workforce may. In addition to the many native-born Oregonians and Washatonians, we have employees born in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, Bosnia, and Turkey. And then there’s Charlie Shivel, our Kentucky-born PM. You’d think there would be a temptation to pick on Charlie, but Mel White, the VP of Marketing, is a much easier target. Although born in Washington State, he’s lived much of his life in West Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, and North Dakota. Statistically, Mel wins (or loses) by a landslide. 😉

Scroll down to see entries #1 – #6.
