Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

10 Things Classic Exhibits Probably Shouldn’t Tell You — #4

For the next two weeks, we’ll share 10 Things We Probably Shouldn’t — one each day. Actually one, plus another one. Enjoy!

#4. We often talk about being a transparent company. We’ll discuss any facet of Classic Exhibits Inc. except our financials (we’re privately held). But just this once, we’ll break that rule. On occasion, a distributor will ask us if we have enough aluminum extrusion to handle a large order. We always smile. Currently, we have over a million dollars in aluminum extrusion in our inventory. It would have to be a REALLY BIG ORDER to put a dent in it. But if you’re up for the challenge . . . Bring it on baby!

Plus 1. Aside from Reid Sherwood’s obvious sales and people skills, not many people know that the third reason he was hired by Classic had a lot to do with Mel White’s obsession with Bigfoot!

For the only legitimate source of Bigfoot facts and sightings (according to Mel . . . and he’s serious), refer to the non-profit Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (

Scroll down to see entries #1 -#3.
