Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

Back from the Magic Kingdom: Word on the Street — Jan. 30th thru Feb. 3rd

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Hey All!

As Mel mentioned last week, I was on vacation in Disneyland and California Adventure. And boy was it a blast. Going as an adult can be different, but taking your kids for the first time is just pure joy. Seeing them react to everything was priceless and an experience my wife and I will never forget.

I returned to the office on Wednesday, which was hard to be honest. It was not just catching up, but also getting back into the daily routine after spending seven straight days with my family.

Things are as busy as when I left on the 24th. We continue to have a full slate of work leading into spring. And, of course, we are working hard on our exhibit for EXHIBITOR in early March. The exhibit is going to be our best ever. It highlights our standard hybrid systems, our custom hybrid designs, as well as our rental capabilities. I am excited to show it to you.

A couple of thoughts while on vacation that I wanted to share.

1.  We all work in such a fast past environment in this industry. How does one unplug from that? Or a better way to say it, “How do you unplug while you’re on vacation?”

For me, it has become much easier over the years. I remember times where I could not unplug at all — mentally or physically. I would always have my mind on what was going on at the office and would have my Blackberry with me at all times so that I could read emails.

But it has become much easier, probably because my twins are five, and they command my our attention all the time. Which is cool. And as for the Blackberry, well I turned it in for an iPhone sometime ago. And five year olds know how to work iPhones. 🙂 So, even if I were incline to check emails, it would be nearly impossible because they usually have my phone, breaking all my records on Angry Birds.

But another reason is the amazing staff we have at Classic Exhibits. Truly, they make it easy when I, Mel, or any employee for that matter takes some time away. Their professional approach in Design, Project Management, Accounting, Purchasing, and Production makes it much easier to leave the office. Thanks you all very much!

2.  Have you been watching the nonsense on TV lately with the political primaries. Well I have. Being away, I had more time in the evening to catch up on news. And man, it boarders on ridiculous how politics in general have become closer to the “Jersey Shore” and other reality shows than true politics. Mudslinging does not even begin to define the circus we get to watch everyday on the news shows. And the worst part it’s rarely based on . . . oh I don’t know . . . Politics!!  The hardest part is that their comments are accepted as defining the current state of our great country. Rather than a concentrate on real indicators like unemployment and the Stock Market and where we are spending all this money.

Well I digress. Before my vacation, I limited my exposure to old fashion reading about candidates and seeing what their history in politics showed. Not on what TMZ caught them doing outside of a fancy restaurant.

I hope and trust you are all doing well and are having a successful kickoff to the New Year. I am excited to see everyone in a few weeks.

Be well!

–Kevin Carty
